
Create Wallpaper

* Remember, the logo will be at the front in the final version. Check out how it will look like hier.

* Remember, the avatar will be the red square. Send to the back the square-avatar

** You can press the ESC key to deselect picture.

Images selected: click one to remove it

[You need to select at least one image from below]


[You can only select one background]

Back V2_back


Chat miitomo Hdg1bew Img01_character Leuqhtiee5wjjke Lg69sek Mario_luigi Miitomo friends Miitomo_group_( Mii_001 Mii_002 Mii_003 Mii_004 Mii_005 Mii_006 Mii_007 Mii_008 Mszblbn V2_mii_03 V2_mii_04 V2_mii_06 Zfmtabc



You have already the maximum picture per wallpaper!

Great, you made your own background! Click the 'Create wallpaper' button to generate and save your wallpaper.

Great, you made your own avatar! Click the 'Save avatar' button to save it in your computer.

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You need to choose at least 1 picture to create a wallpaper or avatar!

Wallpaper Games Maker