
Create Wallpaper

* Remember, the logo will be at the front in the final version. Check out how it will look like hier.

* Remember, the avatar will be the red square. Send to the back the square-avatar

** You can press the ESC key to deselect picture.

Images selected: click one to remove it

[You need to select at least one image from below]


[You can only select one background]

Bg H9bliiw Splatoon wallpaper 2 WiiU_Splatoon_illu01_E3 WiiU_Splatoon_illu02a_E3 WiiU_Splatoon_illu02b_E3



aa Callie amiibo _SUBTITLE_Amiibo_START_ aa Inkling boy amiibo aa Inkling boy amiibo 2 aa Inkling girl amiibo aa Inkling girl amiibo 2 aa Marie amiibo aa squid amiibo aa squid amiibo 2


Battle 1 _SUBTITLE_Inklings_START_ Battle 2 Inkling boy blue Inkling boy green Inkling boy purple Inkling boy sagakeen_art_boy inkling boy squid Inkling boy2 inkling boyz Squid zcostume inkling boy_a credits Inkling girl full Inkling Girl Hero_suit Inkling girl magenta Inkling girl squid Inkling girl3 Inkling girl4 Inkling girld Transformation inkling girl_a credits Inklingfemalesplatoon Inkling_with_charge_shot_gun squid blue Squid green squid orange

Extra Characters

zz Annie _SUBTITLE_Extra Characters_START_ zz Annie1 zz Callie zz Callie_official_artwork zz Crustysean1 zz Crustysean2 zz Cuttlefisht zz Cuttlefish_transparent zz Jelonzo1 zz Jelonzot zz Judd1 zz Juddt zz Marie zz Marie_official_artwork zz Octoling zz Octoling3D zz Octolingnovisor zz Octoling_transparent zz Sheldont zz Sheldon_transparent zz Spyke transparent zz Spyke_transparent



You have already the maximum picture per wallpaper!

Great, you made your own background! Click the 'Create wallpaper' button to generate and save your wallpaper.

Great, you made your own avatar! Click the 'Save avatar' button to save it in your computer.

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You need to choose at least 1 picture to create a wallpaper or avatar!

Wallpaper Games Maker