Street Fighter X Tekken

Create Wallpaper
Street Fighter X Tekken

* Remember, the logo will be at the front in the final version. Check out how it will look like hier.

* Remember, the avatar will be the red square. Send to the back the square-avatar

** You can press the ESC key to deselect picture.

Images selected: click one to remove it

[You need to select at least one image from below]


126638 Abel Akuma SFT AlisaSFxT_art Asuka_ _SFXT_Artwork Blanka_SfT Bob Bryan_SFxTk_CG CammySFxT ChristieSFxTkCG Chun Li Cody _SFxT Dhalsim_SFTK_artwork Dudley _SfxT Elena Guile Guy Heihachi Hugo Hwoarang_sfxt_bez Ibuki_artwork_SFxTK Jinsfxt_art Julia_przezroczyste Juri_Han Kazuya Ken King Kuma_sfxt_przez Lars_sfXtK_cg Law_sfxt_cg Lei_SFxTK Lilisfxt2 Marduk_sfxt_przez Nina Paul_sfxt_cg Poison Raven_sfxt_cg_art Rolento Ryu Sagat Sakura kasugano Stevesfxt_cg Ultra_street_fighter_4_poison_character_render_by_xxkyrarosalesxx d6dwgiw Vega_sfxt Xiaoyu_przezroczyste Yoshimitsu_sfxt_cg_art Zangief SFxTK artwork


Street Fighter X Tekken

You have already the maximum picture per wallpaper!

Great, you made your own background! Click the 'Create wallpaper' button to generate and save your wallpaper.

Great, you made your own avatar! Click the 'Save avatar' button to save it in your computer.

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You need to choose at least 1 picture to create a wallpaper or avatar!

Wallpaper Games Maker